Daily Puulse: Palatable Pop

Daily Puulse: Palatable Pop

Welcome to another Daily Puulse playlist: Palatable Pop.

Pop music is on the receiving end of a lot of hate, while also receiving a tremendous amount of love. It’s a true paradox of the music industry. As someone who now never finds myself listening to Top 40 radio, I once did whilst in the passengers seat of my mom’s Jeep Liberty when I was a child. Memories of those catchy tunes and coordinated singing still sit in my memory.

Now I’m older and wiser. I’ve come to realize that while some pop music has little meaning — just music run through a machine for the maximum amount of royalties — there are also pop artists who convey the deep truths, and light triumphs of life in the flashiest way possible. These artists are true masters of their craft, with superior vocal and musical talents. These artists are featured on this playlist.

This playlist’s most featured artists are two good friends (and two of my role models): Lady Gaga and Mark Ronson. Other artists featured on this playlist include The Weeknd, Billie Eilish, and MNDR. Please enjoy what I consider to be some great, effective pop music.

The Daily Puulse playlist: Palatable Pop

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